August 2022 - Learn & Grow Financial LLC

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation.
August 10, 2022

Growing broke is a term that refers to a situation where a business is expanding rapidly, but does not have the financial resources to sustain that growth. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but one common cause is poor cash flow management. In the ecommerce industry, where margins can be thin and competition is fierce, proper cash flow management is especially important.

Cash flow refers to the movement of money in and out of a business. It is the lifeblood of any business, as it determines whether a company has the financial resources to meet its obligations and grow. In ecommerce, where businesses often rely on online sales and shipments, cash flow can be especially challenging to manage.

One of the main reasons cash flow is so important in ecommerce is that it can take time for payments to come in. When a customer places an order online, the business may not receive payment until the product has been shipped and received by the customer. This can create a lag between when expenses are incurred (e.g. purchasing inventory and paying for shipping) and when revenue is received. If a business is not careful, this lag can lead to a negative cash flow situation, where the company does not have enough money coming in to cover its expenses.

To avoid growing broke, ecommerce businesses need to be proactive about managing their cash flow. This means having a clear understanding of their expenses, as well as when payments are expected to come in. It also means being strategic about when to make purchases and invest in growth. For example, a business might choose to invest in a new marketing campaign only when it has enough cash on hand to cover the costs, rather than taking on additional debt.

Another key aspect of cash flow management in ecommerce is pricing. In order to generate sufficient revenue to cover expenses, businesses need to set prices that are competitive, yet also high enough to generate a profit. This can be a delicate balance, as businesses need to take into account the cost of their products, as well as the prices of their competitors. If prices are set too low, the business may not generate enough revenue to cover its expenses, leading to a negative cash flow situation.

In summary, cash flow is critical to the success of any ecommerce business. By proactively managing their cash flow, businesses can avoid growing broke and ensure that they have the financial resources to sustain and grow their operations. By keeping a close eye on expenses, timing investments carefully, and pricing products appropriately, ecommerce businesses can build a strong foundation for long-term success.